Sanatan Dharma and One God

True divine religion always is one and based on the faith of One God.

In this video, you will watch a Chaturvedi Muslim scholar who recites Sanskrit Mantras with their translation in an impressive style.

The speaker has mentioned in his speech that all human beings come from one single origin: Adam and Hawwa. Thus, he infers that every Indian rather, every human being is brother and sister to each other.

In this regard, he has emphasized that if the human being was created by One God, then how can He make different faiths for the people? The real divine faith is one over the ages and the real religion always remained one but some selfish leaders diverted the people from the true divine message and made them follow their own manmade faiths and religions to achieve their own worldly gains.

Divine Message is always the Same

In addition, the speaker has highlighted that the first man and the earliest Prophet on this earth Adam (peace be upon him) had received from his Lord a system of faith that was renovated and restored by every Prophet and Messenger on this earth whenever there was any sort of alteration or change.

It is noteworthy that the same message was received by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Last and Final Messenger.

In this context, the speaker has referred to a quote from the Hindu Holy Scripture Geeta that says: “Whenever there was any distortion or twist in the true divine message, a Prophet or Messenger was appointed by Allah the Almighty for the guidance of the people.”

What is Brahma Sutra in Hinduism?

Moreover, the speaker has explained the meaning of Sanatan (the eternal) and the Brahmasutra comparing them with Surah Al-Fatihah, the first Surah in the Glorious Qur’an. The Brahmasutra of the Veda; the base and foundation of Hindu Dharma says: “God is one; there is no other God, nothing, nothing, nothing at all. When this meaning of Brahmasutra is compared with the most famous Kalimah of Islam or the blessed words recited frequently by most of the Muslims every day; la ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah), it would be realized clearly that both traditional phrases give almost the similar message, or one of them is literal translation of other.

Islam is Like Rain or Rays of the Sun

The speaker also clarified the meaning of Arabic word Islam saying that Islam means submission; submission of one’s will to the orders and commands of Allah the Almighty.

Islam is a divine message that is for all and everyone. Therefore, a son of a Prophet can become an infidel and a son of an infidel can become a Muslim.

Islam is not specific to any person, caste, tribe, country, nation, place or time. Islam is like the rain or rays of the sun or the light of the moon that are common for everyone and universal.

Islam is a way of life and method of better living that satisfies; the soul and the matter, the heart and the mind, the physical and the spiritual, the divinely and the worldly. Islam is not a movement, party, organization or group, rather, Islam is a comprehensive way of life for every human being on this globe.

According to Vedas Worshipping the Creation is Darkness

In this context, the speaker has referred to some Mantras of Yajur Veda with an authentic translation by a staunch Hindu writer that says:

“They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti—the material cause of the world—in place of the All-pervading God. But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.” (Yajur Veda 40:9)

Is Idol-Worship Permissible in Hinduism?

Additionally, the speaker refutes the tradition of idol-worship in Hindu society on the pretext that they worship only One God and those idols are only helpful to concentrate their minds and hearts on worship.

The speaker refutes this justification for idol-worship through a logical and convincing example; suppose, if a person was standing and focusing his eyes on a dog and when he was asked; what are you doing? Then he answered: I am concentrating on my father’s face. In this case, the person would be argued that you cannot imagine your father’s image through the dog because there is no relation between them.

The same argument applies to justifying the idol-worship as there is no relation between the idol and the God. According to Hinduism and Islam, God is formless who does not have any shape or form.

God does not beget nor is He begotten according to Upanishad

It is also noteworthy that some Hindu scriptures prove that Ishvar is Eternal, who does not beget nor is He begotten and none is equal to Him and the similar meaning was mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an in Surat Al-Ikhlas, verse 112.

The speaker has referred to numerous quotes from ancient Hindu scriptures to prove monotheism in the earliest Vedic period concluding that the idol-worship is a later development in Vedic faith.

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