The mischievous Krishna steals the clothes of the milkmaids, who were bathing in river Yamuna. ...
What is monotheism? What are the fundamentals of Islamic faith? Who is our creator? ...
Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we believe in God? Why Ling Puja? Is idol worship lo ...
Hindu holy places are usually located on the banks of rivers, coasts, seashores and mountains. ...
Be human beings, because God is powerful on more? Is not this smog like the torments used to be ...
One of the most famous defenders of this philosophy in the modern era is: Dayananda Saraswati ( ...
Panjab and Haryana do not have Ganges’s water and they have the best crops. Why Ganges is Mata ...
Islamic historical and cultural sources say that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was sent ...
if one worships a horse because it helps human being, then the One who has created the horse is ...
In Hinduism, the attributes and qualities of God are deceptive. Also, the nature of prophethoo ...
“The ignorant fools pick up stones and worship them. But when those stones themselves sink, who ...
If the cow of stone cannot give us the milk, and if the calf of stone cannot suck the milk from ...
It was only few minutes and there was a big crowd of the people sitting around the pillar absor ...
Do you think if Hanuman ji and Durga ji have balances in the bank so they can give 10 or 20 tho ...
Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we belive in God? Is idol worship logical? Why do so ...