Islam states that a human being comes into this world only once, and after he dies, he is again resu ...
The faith has very significant impact on human actions; every action of any human being has a strong ...
Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we belive in God? Is idol worship logical? Why do some pe ...
Al-Israa` (the night journey) followed by Al-Mi`raj (the heavenly ascension) was one of the miracles ...
Marriage in Islam offers tranquility to the soul and peace to the mind, so that man and woman may li ...
Islamic marriage refers to all marriages that have been contracted between a Muslim male and Muslim ...
This news shows the generosity of this Muslim man who preferred his non-Muslim brother over himself ...
Most animals do not have sex only for sex; rather, they have sex in the natural seasons for reproduc ...
This article studies the subject of sexuality in Islam in order to compare it in Hinduism referring ...
The conclusion is that there never was any person with the name Rama and he was never born on the ea ...