Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:25:01.
Shankar Acharya Proves Islam through Rigveda

Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya declared saying: “Even I am not a worshiper of the homeland, rather, I am a lover of my homeland, because, the worship is only for Ishvar.”
It is not permissible for a Muslim to worship anyone other than Allah the Almighty.
Gulaothi, (S.N.B)
Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya verified the truth of Islam by some clear proofs of Rigveda. He came from Lucknow to participate in a conference entitled “Achieving the Justice”. He stated that the idea of Islam and Muslims on Vande Mataram (वन्दे मातरम्) “I worship thee, Mother” is true and logical. He said in his speech that La Ilaha Illa Allah (There is no true god but Allah) is one of the universal truths which means that no one and nothing deserves worship except Allah. It is prohibited to worship anything except Him; this belief is one of the basic pillars of Islam. He added saying that: “All Muslims believe in Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the best, noblest and the most meritorious person after Allah (Glory be to Him), and hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world are ready to die for the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him), nevertheless, they are not allowed to worship their beloved prophet, then how can you impose the worship of the motherland India on them? How would it be allowed for them? In addition to that, he said that Islam has exalted the status of mother as much as it regarded the Paradise beneath the feet of mothers, however, she could not be worshipped in Islam. Also, we find Muslims ready to give their lives for the redemption of the beloved homeland; they do not care about cutting their necks in order to protect their country. In fact, the love of Muslims for their homeland and their sacrifices for this country could not be compared by others. But Vande Mataram is not permissible for them according to their belief as it is contrary to the basic doctrine of Islam. Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya declared saying: “Even I am not a worshiper of the homeland, rather, I am a lover of my homeland, because, the worship is only for Ishvar.”

Swami Lakshmi Shankar Acharya