Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:21:40.

The doctrine of beautiful wives in Paradise is a common denominator between Hinduism and Islam in the light of the Qur’an, Hadith and ancient Hindu scriptures.
In many articles on our website, we have proved that Hinduism and Islam have many similarities and also many differences. One of the similarities is the concept of Hoor or the most beautiful wives for the people of paradise for their pleasure and enjoyment in reward of their right faith and good deeds in this world.
The Concept of Hoor in Islam
In Islam, the faith in Hoor al-`ein is a part of the Islamic doctrine system. The faith is based on proofs in the Glorious Qur’an and the blessed sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Glorious Qur’an says:
And fair maidens with wide eyes, like preserved, hidden pearls. (Al Waqi’ah 22-23)
Allah the Almighty has described Hoor al-`ein for us in more than one verse with beautiful descriptions such as wide eyes, having very darkness in their eye balls and very whiteness in around, virgin, free from all sorts of dirt and impurities with beautiful morality and good conduct with their husbands in Paradise. Allah the Almighty has promised of Hoor al-`ein for true believers in order to stimulate to do good in this world and to stay away from bad actions.
It is compulsory for a Muslim to believe in Hoor in paradise, unless this belief, the faith will not be complete and perfect.
Hoor al-`ein in the Hadiths
The sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that have mentioned the Al Hoor:
One of the Hadith says: ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:”Indeed in Paradise there is a gathering for Hoor al-`ein wherein they raise their voices. The creatures have not heard the likes of them.” [He said:] “They say: ‘We are the eternal ones, we shall not die. We are the ones who live in joy and comfort, we have no needs. We are the pleased ones, we do not get angry. Good news to the one who belongs to us and we to him.'”(1)
In another Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says: “And if a woman among the women inhabiting Paradise were to appear to the people of the earth, then she would illuminate what is between the ( the heavens and the earth), and a pleasant scent would fill up what is between them, and the scarf on her head is better than the world and what is in it.” (2)
In the coming lines, we will present some references from Hindu scriptures on the existence of beautiful women in Swarg.
Thousands of Beautiful Women in Swarga
Vedas and other Hindu scriptures verify that Hinduism also has the concept of “Hoor” like that of Islamic faith. However, there are differences in many related issues.
Mahabharat says about the one who was killed in the battlefield and got martyred and deserved the Paradise:
(Thousands of handsome Apsaras (maidens) run up in haste to the hero who has been slain in battle (i.e. a martyr), (exclaiming) be my husband) (3)
The quote is a clear proof that in Vedic paradise there will be “Thousands of handsome Apsaras.”
Body Organs in Swarga According to Hinduism
Additionally, according to the Vedas, humans who will deserve Paradise will enter it with all their organs.
Atharvaveda says in this regard:
“If Agni Jātavedas, as he bore you hence to the Fathers’ world, had left one single limb of your bodies, here do I restore it. Fathers, rejoice in heaven with all your organs!”(4)
So the private organs will be there in Vedic Paradise according to the Mantra. Another Hindu scripture supports this view as the Shatpath Brahman Kaand says:
“Wherefore let him who knows this by all means practise austerities; for, indeed, when he who knows this practises austerities, even to (abstention from) sexual intercourse, every (part) of him will share in the world of heaven.”(5)
It is clear from these mantras that sexual powers will be present in Vedic Paradise. Now the question is how and for what will these powers be used in Vedic Paradise? Atharvaved answers this question: The mantra says:
“Boneless, pure, cleansed with the wind, brilliant, they go to a brilliant world. The fire does not burn their male organ. In Swarga they get plenty of women.”(6)
This mantra says that the inhabitants of paradise will have not just one, but numerous beautiful women to fulfill the desire of sex.
The Meaning of सत्रैणम according to Panini
In this mantra, the word Strenam (सत्रैणम) is used which means ‘a group of women’. This is the meaning given by the ancient Indian Grammarian Panini in his book.(7)
What is Apsara in Hinduism?
Also the word Shishan (शिशन) used in this mantra only means ‘phallus'(Male sexual organ in the state of erection) according to Nirukt 4:19. These beautiful women which the people of Vedic Paradise will receive are called as Apsaras in Vedic terminology. At many places in the Vedas, prayers are made to get these Apsaras in paradise. For example, see Atharvaved 2:2:5. Vedas also list many types of Apsaras. Six types of Apsaras are spoken of in Rigveda 10:95:6 and Atharvaved 8:10:27-28 and the details about them can be found in many references of the Upanishads. In some places they are called as the Lovers of Devatas.
The authentic Upanishads also mention about numerous women being given in Paradise. The Mantra’s translation is as follows:
Even like unto them, man, issuing forth from his body by the attainment of the Great Light, assumes his own genuine form. He is (then) the best of men. He then lords it with eating and playing, and enjoying with woman, or equipages, or relatives, without thinking of the body. Even as cattle are attached to an equipage, so is the Soul (Prāṇa) attached to the body.”(8)
In the Mantra, the sentence “eating and playing, and enjoying with woman” is clear proof that there are women in paradise for its inhabitants for their enjoyment and pleasure beside the food, drink and fun.
1- Both religions have the faith of Paradise, and beautiful women as the wives of the male inhabitants of paradise.
2- Those beautiful women are rewards for the right faith and good deeds before one dies.
3- Both religions agree that the beautiful women that would be given to them is not only one, rather, they are more than one.
4- Both religions agree that those women are for the sexual satisfaction of the people of paradise.
5- The Hindu concept of beautiful woman in paradise, especially in Vedas, denotes clearly that the basic scriptures have some sort of divine link in its essence. However, the condition of Hindu scriptures is similar to the Bible and Torah that have been distorted over the time.
6- The logic and plain perception support the philosophy of Apsara or Hoor al-`ein in general. Suppose, a servant of Allah the Almighty showed patience and kept himself away from adultery or fornication out of chastity and piety, so it is natural that he will get a reward similar to his action.
7- Both doctrine systems believe that those beautiful women are eternal and will never die.
(1) Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Chapters on the description of Paradise.
(2) Jami` at-Tirmidhi , The Book on Virtues of Jihad, Chapter: What Has Been Related About Going Out In The Morning And The Afternoon In The Cause Of Allah.
(3) See: Mahabharata Shanti Parv (Book 12) section 98; Shloka 46.
(4) Atharvaveda 16:4:64.
(5) ShatpathBrahmanKaand 10, Adhyay4, Brahaman 4, Kaandika 4
(6) [Atharvaved 4:34:2]
(7) Ashtadhyayi- Adhyay 4; Paad 1; Sootr 87.
(8) Chandogya Upanishad 8:12:3.